Astana Kazakhstan – Jonathan Furman’s Trip

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Imagine a huge country, For instance, the ninth largest in the world as the size of all Western Europe! With friendly locals, diverse landscapes, rare animals (like the snow leopard), Futuristic cities and fascinating history! In addition, imagine an anti-extremist … Continued

Money Challenge – Or Where’s the Money to Fly Abroad?

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Flying abroad is no longer just for the rich, Especially since we have the Low Coast flights! But the cost of flying is not the only component of a vacation abroad, There are many other elements that together bring us … Continued

Prague – a trip with children

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After touring Salzburg in Austria, we returned to Prague, there we landed and from there we return to Israel. This is a great opportunity for us to taste Prague too. We were in Prague as a couple about twenty years … Continued

Poland with a 3-year-old – Lena Tzur’s trip

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Lena Tzur is a single mother, She has been traveling with her three-year-old son around the country  and the world since he was born. Before the trip to Poland, Lena had some concerns, Because Poland is a new place for … Continued

Do you deserve financial compensation?

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Frequently asked questions regarding compensation for passengers  whose flight has been delayed or canceled Is there a law protecting me in the event of a flight delay or cancellation? Yes. European Aviation Law. Is it also valid for Israelis whose … Continued

Bucharest, Romania

A couple’s trip abroad How does an educated girl celebrate the separation from citizenship  and recruitment to the IDF? No, it’s not her recruitment date, this time it’s her boyfriend’s recruitment date. Of course, on a trip abroad! The young … Continued

Krabi Thailand – Have you visited?

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Krabi Krabi is the name of a beach and a city in Thailand, But also the name of a district in Thailand, 800 km south of Bangkok. The district is between Png nga and Trang. Famous Places in Krabi Province: … Continued